Wednesday, 9 November 2011


After completing the project i have ended up really enjoying the process, i feel it has taken me quite a while to find the right medium and technique and wished i'd  started this method earlier.

I am pleased with my final outcome, seeing as though i wasn't sure how i was going to do and there wasn't any tutorials knocking around to get help from. Looking back on it now there are things i would change and add to improve it. For example i know now it help a lot of all the image are of the same dimensions as this would help with the scaling up process.

Overall i am happy with my design, its far from perfect but i have picked up on new technique that will definitely come in handy in the future

Final Piece

Once i can compress into a more manageable size i will upload it here :)

Balloon motion path and text

I decided to add some movement to the end of the animation as i felt it was a little static for two long. So I created a simple motion path for the balloon to take which tied in nicely with the text actually, as it allowed me to gradually unveil it.

Adding 3D elements

I added these birds and leaves to the design just to add that extra depth to the animation and make the experience more immersive.

I really do like the effect they give. It does give the illusion that it is 3D and not just 2 dimension design.

Finished animated section

I have now finished the whole zooming effect on the animation. I would the video but blogger is not letting me, i think the file might be a little big.

I really like it, however i feel it just need a little bit more here and there, thing such as the birds and balloon just to add to the visuals. Furthermore i need to add the text aswell 

Problem Solved

So overcome this problem i had to take of the parenting on certain layers and scale them up individually, this allowed everything to stay in proportion, it also allowed my to make certain layers move more quickly as if the camera is increase in speed, more the animation more dynamic.

Arrrgh rethink in method..

I've run into a problem :( because now one of the images turn to a more square the shape rather than the rectangular snap of the others and when i parent them together, the rate in which the increase in size is different, meaning some layers end up covering up others. These picture explain what i mean.

As you can see the image on the left, the horizon is quite far away, and you can see a beach ahead of the children, however the image on the right explain my problem, because now the first image has zoomed in to quickly and the perspective has gone out of sync and now the beach or house don't even appear.

I am going to have to work a way around this

Using After Effects

So far the animation is going really well, i simply imported the images into after effects and lined them up to the next image so it filled the white space.  Using keyframe i started to enlarge the image so it would give the impression that the camera was zooming in.

To make sure the image stay in line i used the parenting tool so what i did to one image it did to all, this meant they all upscaled at the same rate leading to a smooth zoom. 

My images

These are my images, there is a gap in the centre of each of them as that is where the next photo is going to be placed. Within after effects i will resize them so hopefully they weill merge together to create what appears to be one image.

So hopefully it will look something like this

Continuous zoom effect

As you can see the animation is constantly zooming in revealing more and more within the images. I really like this technique, you feel very immersed within it which is something i would like my sting to achieve.

This is why i am going to adopt this approach to my idea as i feel it will result in some really intriguing plus its something i've never tried before so its quite exciting.
